
Process a DFG

The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) was introduced in 1989. Originally, it was one of several housing grants available to fund repairs, improvements and adaptations. All the other grants have now gone, and the DFG is part of the Better Care Fund; a pooled budget seeking to integrate health, social care and, through the DFG, housing services.

This page uses extracts from the 2022 DFG Guidance along with other tools, resources and other good practice to give you the definitive guide to efficiently compiling a DFG Application.

Home Improvement Agency

Local authorities should consider providing a Home Improvement Agency service to offer practical help to carry out home adaptations and improvements. The service offered varies but normally covers help in diagnosing issues, identifying solutions, assisting in raising money to cover the costs (including grant applications), selecting a builder, and ensuring that work is carried out properly. Some agencies are independent non-profit organisations, some are run by housing associations or private companies, and others operate in-house within a local authority.

HIA Accreditation

To accredit your service as a Home Improvement Agency, contact Foundations.

It’s a simple process, and it’s free!

Timescales and priority

There are 5 key stages of delivering a home adaptation.

  • Stage 0: first contact with services
  • Stage 1: first contact to assessment and identification of the relevant works;
  • Stage 2: identification of the relevant works to submission of the formal grant application
  • Stage 3: grant application to grant approval
  • Stage 4: approval of grant to completion of works.

The 5 key stages of the DFG Process

The timescales for moving through these stages will depend upon the urgency and complexity of the adaptations required. More urgent cases should be prioritised for action, but larger and more complex schemes will take longer to complete. The following table sets out best practice targets, which should be met in 95% of cases:

  Target timescales (working days)
Type Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total
Urgent & Simple 5 25 5 20 55
Non-urgent & Simple 20 50 20 40 130
Urgent & Complex 20 45 5 60 130
Non-urgent & Complex 35 55 20 80 180



It is recommended that authorities use a triage system to make an initial assessment of the complexity and urgency of a case. A good triage system will help everyone gain a shared understanding of the likely timescales for delivery. It will also enable the right team with the right skills to properly assess the case.

See our guide: Assess a DFG

Authorities are recommended to treat cases as urgent in the following circumstances:

  • Coming out of hospital and at risk
  • Living alone and at risk
  • Severe cognitive dysfunction and at risk
  • Living with a carer who is elderly or disabled
  • Living without heating or hot water and at risk
  • Limited life expectancy

Categorising complexity and urgency at this early stage will set the target timescales for the rest of the process. However, this should be kept under review as circumstances change or if further information is uncovered during the assessment.

We have developed an experimental version of our triage tool which will calculate a target completion date based on complexity and urgency.

Public information and self-assessment

AdaptMyHome.org.uk includes general information about DFG and home adaptations.

It also includes a guided self-assessment that helps people to consider:

  • whether they would benefit from making adaptations to their home;
  • if they might be eligible to apply for a DFG;
  • whether they might be better to consider moving to somewhere more suitable; and
  • their estimated contribution towards the costs through means testing.

By entering their postcode they can also find the contact details of their local authority or forward the details of their self-assessment.

Local authorities are able to register and update their details.

Proof of ownership

The Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act requires the local housing authority to be “satisfied that the applicant has, or proposes to acquire, an owner’s interest in every parcel of land on which the relevant works are to be carried out.”

There is no specific requirement for the housing authority to obtain proof of ownership other than the owner’s certificate but it is good practice to cross reference the details with the Land Registry.

There is also no requirement for the housing authority to seek permission from the applicant’s mortgage provider or to ensure they have adequate household insurance, although they should advise the applicant of the need to inform both.

A land registry search is a straight-forward process that should be done by an admin officer in the early stages of an application.

There should be no reason why this search has to be carried out by a different team or department – it’s as quick to do the search as to send an email to request it.

Land registry searches

The vast majority of homes are now registered with the Land Registry, and they have online services that allow you to easily find and download ownership details for your file. There’s both:

Means testing

The means test for DFG largely mirrors the system of calculating entitlement to Housing Benefit. It is quite complicated to use but those in receipt of certain means-tested benefits are ‘passported’ to a full grant and will not have to make a contribution towards the cost of work. These ‘passporting’ benefits are:

  • Universal Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Employment and Support Allowance (not contribution-based ESA)
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (not contribution-based JSA)
  • Guarantee Pension Credit (not Savings Pension Credit alone)
  • Working Tax Credit and/or Child Tax Credit (where your annual income for the purposes of the tax credits assessment was below £15,050)
  • Housing Benefit

Applications for disabled children are also passported to a full grant.

Preliminary means test for DFG

The DFG means test is in place to ensure that DFG funding reaches those people who are on the lowest incomes and least able to afford to pay for the adaptations themselves.

Authorities should consider a preliminary means test for DFG at an early stage. It can be frustrating for both applicants and staff to discover at a late stage that the DFG means test indicates they will receive little or no financial assistance. A preliminary enquiry about resources (e.g. through a self-service online portal such as adaptmyhome.org.uk) can short-circuit these delays and may encourage the disabled person to pursue other solutions.

Accessing social security data

Benefits data can be shared with local authorities, to help decide if a person is entitled to a DFG on the basis of being in receipt of benefits, or having a low income.

This is allowed under in Regulation 5(1)(b) of the Social Security (Information sharing in relation to Welfare Services etc.) Regulations 2012. (Opens a new window)

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) provides this data to LAs for use in the administration of Disabled Facilities Grant to reduce the burden on LAs by not having to contact DWP teams, by a number of means, to gather this information.

The data can be access through an online Customer Information System (CIS) as outlined in DWP Guidance.

Your authority will also need to sign up to a data-sharing memorandum of understanding. (Opens a new window) It needs to be signed by the LA Chief Executive and will usually be available through the Housing Benefit team leader.

Social care financial assessment

The last 3 reviews of the DFG means test have recommended using an alternative – the financial assessment used for social care. In May 2020 we hosted a webinar to look at how the social care assessment works and how it could apply to DFGs.

Online means test calculator

The means test is quite complicated so we’ve designed this calculator to simplify it as much as we can, and show you how much an applicant might have to pay. It doesn’t include all of the questions in the full means test, but will give a good indication for most people.

If the applicant is self-employed, has foster children, receives child maintenance payments or has a war pension then they will need a full means test.

Many of the questions ask about welfare benefits, so you should have that information to hand before you start.

An application for a grant has to be made by the owner or the tenant of a property, but the means test is based on the income of the disabled person (and their partner where applicable) who needs the adaptations. For example, where a parent goes to live with their grown up children, the son or daughter would make the application but the mom or dad would be means test.

If the disabled person is a child, or is an adult on other means tested benefits then the means test does not usually apply.

There are three parts to the means test:

  • The Applicable Amount – how much it is assumed you need to live on per week based mostly on your age, level of disability, whether you’re single or a couple and the number of children living with you.
  • Your income – how much you receive every week from work, disability benefits, child benefit and what savings you have.
  • Your contribution – If your income is more than your Applicable Amount, this is used to calculate how much you can afford to pay towards adapting your home. This amount also depend whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant.


Speak to our Regional Advisors

Our team of Regional Advisors are at the heart of what we do – providing advice and support to Local Authorities and Home Improvement Agencies. And because we’re funded by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities our everyday support is free of charge.

Whether it’s a question about the DFG legislation, you need advice on how to commission a HIA or anything in between – we’re here to help.