
Foundations NETWORKS

Welcome to Foundations NETWORKS

Foundations NETWORKS is a series of professional communities for individuals involved in Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs), Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs), and related sectors. Our networks facilitate collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and support among professionals in various roles.

We have networks for Technical Officers, Caseworkers and Occupational Therapists.

We also host regional networks for managers, and topic based networks on issues such as Behaviours of Concern.

Please feel free to suggest other networks that you think would be helpful for the sector.

Who can join?

Foundations NETWORKS is open to all professionals in the DFG and Home Improvement Agency (HIA) sectors.

To receive an invite to join everyone is required to complete a quick verification process. If you have a gov.uk email address, you’ll automatically receive access. For others, we’ll conduct a brief verification to ensure you are actively working in the sector.

Join us to connect with peers, access valuable resources, and contribute to enhancing housing accessibility and quality of life.

Please submit this form to get your personal invite to Foundations NETWORKS.

About the Foundations NETWORKS platform

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About Circle.so

Foundations NETWORKS are hosted on Circle.so – a robust platform designed for organisations and communities to create online spaces where members can collaborate, discuss, and share knowledge. It offers features like forums, messaging, and content sharing to facilitate seamless communication and engagement.

Stay Connected Anywhere

Download the Circle.so app from Google Play or the Apple App Store to stay connected with Foundations NETWORKS and participate in discussions on the go.